Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Healthy Diet During Pregnancy At Third Trimester

At the third trimester of the pregnancy, weight of pregnant women will increase in 10 or 12 kg approximately, distributed in the following way: the fetus will have 3,500 grams; the placenta, interstitial fluid and blood volume added 1,200 or 1,800 grams; breast growth will be 400 grams and other 1640 grams will be maternal adipose tissue.

It is not of measures fixed. These will vary depending on the physical, stature and the diet of every pregnant woman. The health check will determine what is the best food and energy.

It is not recommended that you do comment if "you should eat for two", simply because being overweight won't help you to be healthy and to take care of your child is not essential to ingest large amounts of food, but eat what is needed for their proper development.

Healty Diet During Pregnancy

Eating during pregnancy is related to problems of high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, blood circulation disorders, not to mention the complications that can occur during childbirth and how difficult that can be back to your old figure in post-partum.

Avoids the extremes, nor wealth, nor lack are recommended. If slim-line below five kgs you can limit the natural growth of the fetus. As there is a unique food that summarizes all the nutrients and calories you need, you have to work yourself to meet a varied regime (FAT, carbohydrates and proteins), in moderation. Your new plan will be to increase the number of meals you do, without increasing the amount of what you consume. In other words, it is advisable that you feed three or five times a day, so you feel satisfied and no desire to kill the hunger with products out of your diet.

Leisurely breakfast with bread, spread with margarine and cheese, yogurt, juice or chopped slices of your favorite fruit. Retrieves the custom of snack and full lunch, so prevent you to dinner with a voracious appetite and will keep your body well supplied during the day. You drink two liters of water daily and includes a minimum of three servings of dairy products or substitutes manufactured based plants enriched with protein and calcium in your meals. Fats are also essential and must not delete them, unless medical prescription. This is the case of the milk fat, vegetable oils and which provide blue fish.

Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

Towards the third month of pregnancy, they tend to be very recurrent cravings. Women do not know how to control those urgent desires to swallow up to the most unusual food. These whims respond to needs of the body, caused by the hormones of the pancreas that drive to eat that what is lacking. What matters is not the food itself, but the chemical composition of the product. When you have a craving, check the product label to see what ingredients and think how you can replace it with another food that are within your diet.

Acidic fruits (Orange, passion fruit, pineapple, lemons and grapefruit), pickles (cucumbers, onions) and the tomato are interchangeable. If you cause you something salty, replace it with a salad, fish, seafood and nuts. But if it's spicy, watercress, peppers, beets and Red radishes are best.

With a little will and creativity, you can dress the food that displease you, seeks alternative sources of nutrients, and creates dishes to the eye and the palate, in order to enjoy any menu by simple as it may seem.

Don't be affraid to scale

It is not essential that you weigh every day to find out how many grams have more than before. That may depress you. You can choose to do it once a month or when you go to your appointment with your doctor. When the time to weigh yourself do it always with the same scale, preferably in the morning, in fasting and without clothes, so do not be surprised the volume of your body. Some women think that to get fat are less attractive, without thinking that these ideas are only in their heads. For the rest of the people, pregnant women are wonderful human beings who await a new Member of the community.

Motherhood is a moment in the life of a woman and no one can take away that pleasure, so large, to stay and feel a baby in the womb. Look at the other mammals, perhaps you think that females are unpleasant for being pregnant. The reality is that they inspire a great tenderness and are always protected by the rest of the herd, precisely because of them depends on the survival of the species. The appearance is not so important, as the mission that has given the nature

Third Trimester Of Pregnancy: Doctor Visits

During period the Third Trimester Of Pregnancy, you will be more frequent controls. Pregnancy controls are now fortnightly and weekly for the last month.

Your doctor will continue to monitor your blood pressure and weight, as well as the activities and movements of the fetus, will continue measuring the size of your uterus and ask you about any symptoms that you may be having.

There are many tests that your doctor can practice to observe the health and well-being of your baby, as for example the ultrasonographies, the monitoring of the fetal heartbeat and certain laboratory tests. Frequent controls of your urine and blood pressure will be made and will be watched his hands and feet to detect any increasein volume. From 36 weeks until delivery, control will be weekly.

Biophysical Profile

The biophysical profile is a test in which points are allocated to measures ormovements of the baby are observed during an ultrasound examination. It has five components, each one has a value of up to 2 points, which are added up to a total of 10 points at the end. It is performed to determine is the fetus, to lowest score worse prognosis.

The components of the test are as follows:
  • A monitoring fetal not stressful.
  • Observation of movements of the trunk of the baby.
  • Observation of the muscle tone of the baby (baby watching extend your arms or leg sand back towards the body).
  • The observation of the baby's breathing movements (although the baby is not really breathing inside the uterus, can be seen movements in the fetal thorax).
  • The measure of the amount of amniotic fluid in the bag that surrounds the baby.
  • The sum of the total score will give an idea to your doctor of the overall well-being ofyour baby.


When your due date this close, your doctor will check the position of the baby. As well as they can also perform a v*ginal exam to check the dilation of the cervix as during period the Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Referred to as hypertension to the excessive increase in high blood pressure During pregnancy in artery, it may happen that mother present problems of high blood pressure, which can occur in different types, so it is recommended that mother take the voltage every month when it has reached the second trimester of pregnancy.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the wall of the blood vessels of the body.

High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

What are the types of hypertension that may occur in pregnancy?

• Chronic hypertension

This hypertension develops until the mother reaches the 20th week of pregnancy or may even be present before conception. This type of hypertension does not disappear after childbirth.

• Transient or gestational hypertension

This type of hypertension occurs on the third trimester of pregnancy, its intensity varies depending on each patient, there is no existence of protein in the urine.Gestational or transient hypertension disappears after childbirth automatically.

• Preeclampsia

This type of high blood pressure, also known as toxemia, can bring serious health problems for the mother and baby if you don't receive the proper treatment. Preeclampsia develops after the 20th week of pregnancy, the patient presents protein in the urine and disappears after childbirth.

What are the risk factors for pre-eclampsia?
  • Women who have any or some of the following characteristics have one higher risk ofpre-eclampsia:
  1. Diabetes
  2. Obesity
  3. A history of pre-eclampsia
  4. Chronic hypertension
  5. Renal disease
You should see a doctor if you have any or some of these symptoms:
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Vision of black 
  • spotsIntolerance to light
  • DrowsinessPersistent 
  • nauseaDecreased 
  • fetal activity
  • Blood pressure equal to or greater than 140/90 mm Hg

Activities and Foods Should To Avoid During Pregnancy

Activities and Foods Should To Avoid During Pregnancy, it is very important that the mother is very attentive to all products and food consumed, as well as activities. For this reason, we offer a list of things that should be avoided during pregnancy to eliminate or reduce the risks of any complication.

Can medications be taken during pregnancy?

Generally, mothers are often described as harmless medications consumed most often, However, all these medications can put at risk the health of the baby and they should be avoided during pregnancy.

It is therefore of utmost importance that mother to refrain from consuming any type of medication during pregnancy without prior authorization from the physician, since they can be harmful to the baby.

Activities and Foods Should To Avoid During Pregnancy

What foods should you avoid?

• Sushi
• Fish sword, shark and mackerel, since these tend to contain high levels of mercury that may seriously affect the baby's health
• Unpasteurized products
• Caffeine
• Foods that are not thoroughly cooked
• Alc*h*lic beverages may not be consumed in pregnancy, since they can cause the baby a myriad of health problems, including Fetal Alc*h*l Syndrome
• Soft cheeses

What exercises should not be done in pregnancy?

While physical activity can be very beneficial for the health of mother and baby during pregnancy, it is very important that the mother to refrain from performing the exercises presented below, since they can endanger the well-being of the baby.

• Any sporting activity of high impact
• Any exercise that mother should be leaning on your back

It is important for the mother to check with your doctor before starting any physical activity. In addition, you should stop exercising if you experience severe headache,pain in the chest, vaginal bleeding, back pain, loss of amniotic fluid, uterinecontractions or reduction of fetal movements.

Can I have s*x during pregnancy?
The couple can have s*x if the doctor has not indicated otherwise.
However, call your doctor immediately if you experience pain, bleeding or loss of amniotic fluid.

Is it convenient to be in contact with animals in pregnancy?

If the mother has a bird or a cat in your environment, you should avoid to clean the sand box or cage with daily waste, could contract diseases and harm health and the baby's development.

What about overheating?

Any activity that puts the body temperature more than 38.5 degrees should be avoided. For this reason, saunas, hot tubs and high-impact physical activities should be avoided in pregnancy, because that can put in danger the health of the baby and causing birth defects.

Experts say that the mother should not stay more than 10 minutes in warm water, as well as avoid hot tubs, hot baths and exercise when there are high temperatures in the environment.

What's with the bad habits?

The mother should refrain to have any harmful habits during pregnancy.
This includes any type of dr*gs, c*gar*ttes, or alc*h*l consumption, since any dose of these products can affect serious and irreversibly the health of the baby.

If the mother has one of these habits, you should consult your doctor
immediately so that you receive the necessary aid and the baby is not impaired.

Which products can be harmful?

• Do not mix ammonia with chlorine, since gas which emits this mixture can be deadly
• Avoid exposure to lead
• Avoid exposure to the gases emitted by paint removers
• In case of need painting, done in an open and airy space
• Avoid exposure to insecticides or herbicides
• If you can avoid doing so, make sure color with dyes without ammonia, in an open space, and that the product is not in contact with the scalp. If you want a natural dye,henna can be an excellent choice for dyeing hair during pregnancy

Healthy Lifestyle During Pregnancy

To enjoy a healthy during pregnancy and without complications, it is better you had been planned. Only in this way certain conditions be prevented or anticipate them, in such a way it's comfort for the mother and the baby.

Is it important to have a healthy lifestyle?

You have a healthy and balanced diet, as well as also doing exercises on a daily basis, are critical elements for a healthy pregnancy. This happens because the body will have many demands on physical and nutritional level once you start the pregnancy,so the mother should anticipate this and have a healthy lifestyle since at least 3 months before conceiving.

Healthy During Pregnancy
  • What happens if the mother has diabetes?
If the mother has diabetes, no matter which type of diabetes has (1 or 2) is important to talk to your doctor until you start pregnancy attempts. Through the maintenance of adequate blood sugar levels be controlled disease pre-pregnancy and during it.

Then healthy during pregnancy, it must be especially attentive to your sugar levels supervise and attend antenatal appointments as the doctor, in a way directed such that it can reduce the risk of complications.

  • What's with the inherited?
It is important that having knowledge of genetic problems in your family or your partner, you check with your doctor before starting attempts to conceive. The most recommended is to consult a specialist to identify genetic conditions.

  • Is it important to getting immunized?
Immunisation offers protection against some infections that cause serious illnesses.This factor is very important, to present certain diseases during pregnancy are very risky for the health of the mother and the baby, so much so that the child may be born with birth defects or long-term health problems.

  • What about rubella?
Many people are unaware of the possible effects of rubella during pregnancy.Immunize against this disease is of utmost importance, since getting it during pregnancy can cause serious health problems to the baby, such as:
  • Affect the eyes
  • Affect the ears and even cause deafness
  • The baby's brain may be damaged
  • Heart problems
  • Mental disability

If you don't know about immunity to disease, before pregnancy attempts you should go to your doctor to make this perform a blood test to check if it is immune to the disease.

Obesity and Diabetes In Pregnancy: Know The Risk

Obesity and diabetes in pregnancy influence congenital ailments

Obese women with type 2 diabetes problems, are about 3 times more likely than women who do not have these conditions give birth the babies with birth defectsr eported researchers a study published in the November issue of the journal epidemiology.

Obesity and Diabetes In Pregnancy: Know The Risk

According to the authors of the study, obesity and diabetes during pregnancy can act in combination to increase the risk of problems in the newborn. These could be of Craniofacial type orabnormal limb development.

About 65 percent of the problems among women presenting both paintings were caused by the interaction of these researchers believe "We found that the union of diabetes and obesity led a triple increase in the risk of all the problems," said Dr. Lynn L. Moore and his colleagues at the Boston University School of Medicine in Massachusetts.

About 6 per cent of all women with diabetes type 2 had babies compared with 1.34 percent of non-diabetic women. Craniofacial problems and skeletal muscle were more common than researchers found.

Obese women without diabetes had no more risk likely to give birth children with congenital problems although certain types of defects were more common. Similarly,women of normal weight with gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy,did not show an increase in the risk of having children with complex problems. The results of the study are based on a data of about 23 thousand women. These finding support observations made in other studies that suggest that obesity in type 2 diabetes pregnancy increase the risk of congenital problems.

Best Natural Ways To Fight Patigue After Childbirth

The months after childbirth tend to be very stressful for moms. Parenting is not an easy task, take care of the baby 24 hours a day and serve the rest of his obligations may sound simple, but it is not at all. Deep and repairing dreams become scarce and, instead, you have a long list of daily tasks that seems to have no end. It is normal at this time you constantly feel tired.

Why you are so tired?
Surely, you think that all your tiredness is attributed to their lack of sleep at night due to the attention that the baby needs, but this is not the only culprit. According to research, the fatigue that a mother feels in the weeks following childbirth is due to changes that is generating your body after having faced the incredible physicalchallenges involving pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, you is taking care of your baby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and must attend all of their daily chores.

Best Natural Ways To Fight Patigue After Childbirth

According to scientists, acupressure has the same efficiency that a cup of coffee caffeine-free!

Acupressure is a technique which consists of pressure in different parts of the body. It can be done on the hands, feet or ears. Each point of these parts of the body is connected to another part of the body, massaging them therefore very beneficial to improve the function of different organs.

Filled with light!
It can be very beneficial for you to receive sunlight in the morning. You don't need to leave home, with running the curtains and open the windows is enough. According to experts, receive sunlight in the morning is positive to reduce tiredness, sleep, hormone production decreases and raises the production of adrenalin.

Take a deep breath
Deep breathing will help reduce fatigue. Inhale through the mouth to fill your lungsand then breathe out slowly. Do this exercise several times a day. This will make you remove toxins from your body, improve your lung function, helps digestion, improvesthe nervous system, controlling your weight and reduces the work load of the heart,among other benefits.

Generally, women tend to want to do it all, even though many times do not have the time. Now that you have your baby and has many things to do, it is important to learn to say 'no' to different proposals. Ask yourself if you have enough time, if you want to do it, if you have the energies involved in the accomplishment of the task. If the answer is no, because there is no more to say. It is important that you choose wellyour tasks, so no overcharging.

Iron makes it lack?
If you are tired, dizzy and has trouble breathing, it is likely to have iron deficiency. If so, then call your doctor to check your levels of iron in the blood. It is also importantto increase the intake of iron rich foods such as grains and the dark green leafyvegetables.

Take a break in the afternoon
It may be difficult, especially with his newborn baby, but should you rest a little in theafternoon to recharge. Rest not means that you sleep deeply, but can sit a while onthe couch, watching a TV program or simply close your eyes for a while.

Eat a healthy snack
Snack healthy food such as yogurt or fruit will help you feel more energetic, so that you can attend to your baby as long as this need.

Prenatal Yoga During Pregnancy

Do prenatal yoga during pregnancy is a very good choice for mother to keep in shape. This exercise will not only be good for the health of the mother and the baby, but also to prepare it for labour.

What can you expect of a prenatal yoga class?

During a prenatal yoga class mother held various low-intensity exercises to streng then his limbs, as well as also increase your balance and flexibility. To perform them, the mother can use a thin mattress or pillow to provide support.

Prenatal Yoga During Pregnancy

It will also do breathing exercises, which will help the mother can relieve shortness of breath caused by pregnancy. These exercises will be very useful for the time of delivery, since the mother can take better contractions through breathing.

Finally, the mother will do some relaxation exercises indicated by the instructor.

What are the main benefits of doing prenatal yoga?

  • It reduces stress
  • It reduces the risk that the mother is intrauterine growth restriction, which slows the growth of the baby
  • Decreases hypertension causing the pregnancy because of the physical changes that occur in the body of the mother
  • Reduces anxiety
  • It improves sleep
  • It helps to reduce back pain and headache
  • It increases flexibility, strength and the strength of the muscles involved in child birth
  • It decreases the risk of preterm birth
  • You can help reduce the nausea of the first trimester of pregnancy

Before you start prenatal yoga, it's importance for a mother to talk with a doctor imediatly, if the exercise is beneficial for you. when your doctor deems appropriate to this activity, the mother can enter into a kind of yoga that should be special for pregnant women.

Back Pain During Pregnancy And How To Relieve It

During pregnancy, it is common that the mother suffers a series of symptoms caused by physical and hormonal changes affecting your body in the presence of the baby that is located in the mother's womb. The presence of these symptoms, as well as the frequency and the intensity of them, varies from a patient to another.

However, there are some whose presence is very common in pregnant women and symptoms that affect a large percentage of the mothers as they await your baby.

Is it common to have back pain in pregnancy?
Specialists say that around 70% of pregnant women suffer from back pain at some point in pregnancy, especially during the third quarter.

What causes back pain?
Pregnancy back pain are caused by several factors, among which is the weight gain ofthe mother and the progressive growth of the uterus, which causes the center ofgravity of the body change and consequently generated backaches due to poor posture.

How to relieve back pain during pregnancy ?

To relieve back pain during pregnancy, we recommend the following:
  • Keep good posture. To do this, we recommend you try to maintain an upright
  • If you must pick up an object from the ground, Crouching rather than leaning forward. It is important to raise the subject with your legs and not your back.
  • Wear comfortable and suitable footwear. It is highly advisable to avoid heels,preferably.
  • Avoid long standing
  • Try to relax enough
  • If you must stand for more time than it should, try to have at its disposal a stool or something that serves you to support a foot. In this way it will rest one leg and you can switch to another whenever you feel tired.
  • If approved by your doctor, make prenatal exercise under the observation of aqualified trainer.
  • Use a strip of support provided by your doctor to relieve pressure on your back.
  • Receive back massages provided by a specialist in prenatal massage.

When to call the doctor?
You should take into account that very intense back pain is usually associated with preterm birth. Therefore, if you experience this symptom either frequent or intense,best is please contact your doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Also, refrain from taking any kind of medicines and only eat those that have been prescribed by the doctor. Medications not approved in advance by the physician canbring as consequence that the welfare of the baby is put at risk.

Drinking Milk During Pregnancy Make Your Child Smarter

Food is one of the greatest intake that the mother has to ensure the development of your baby. Nutrients consumed in pregnancy not only will help your baby to develop within its belly to level body, but also cognitively. Therefore, it must be very attentive to all the foods you eat during "sweet waiting".

Although it may seem strange, but foods such as algae, strawberries and milk may make your child smarter if you consume them during pregnancy. This is because these foods contain iodine, an essential element for the production of hormones of the thyroid gland, which can have an impact on the mental and physical development of babies in utero.

Drinking Milk During Pregnancy

Why is it important to consume iodine?

Iodine is an element that plays a very important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland, since this needs iodine to produce hormones. These hormones are necessary for the regulation of metabolism, muscle tissue and nervous system development, as well as being fundamental in cognitive development.

It is important to consume iodine in pregnancy by:

During pregnancy, the thyroid gland works more than in normal conditions, so it isnecessary to consume the prenatal vitamin supplements that include iodine, Lack of iodine can help the baby develop irreversible neurological injury

What about the research?

The specialists responsible for the research took urine samples from more than 1,000 pregnant women and determined that those who had a deficit of iodine were more likely to have children with intellectual coefficients lower than those who had no suchlack.

In addition, it was determined that the effect is not only short-term, but also in the medium and long term. In fact, studies showed that children of mothers with iodine deficiency had lower grades in reading and writing but not in math.

Pregnancy Exercise For Beginners: Easy Worksout

It is never too late. This is the premise that should keep in mind about healthy living,which is so important in everyday life and, even more, during pregnancy. If you did not have healthy habits before pregnancy, don't worry! Only it should not pass in one second more to start working for their health and that of your baby.

An exercise routine should be complemented with a good healthy and balanced diet. Remember that, during pregnancy, the mother power is the only source of nutrients for the baby, so make sure to have a varied diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Pregnancy Exercise For Beginners

Can you exercise while pregnant?

The first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. This will verify your state of health and the development of your pregnancy, in such a way that you can determine if it is suitable or not for you to exercise in pregnancy.

If the answer is Yes, you can start to do an exercise routine. We recommend that an hour of exercise a day at a moderate intensity. Exercises such as swimming, the prenatal yoga and walking are ideal for a pregnant woman.

Can exercise be dangerous?
Whenever you perform exercise under the authorization from your doctor, you should not be dangerous. You must ensure that physical activity that you do not put it at risk of a fall or shock. I.e., do not perform high impact activities, extreme or contact sports.

When to stop?
If you are not accustomed to exercise, should pay attention to how it reacts to physical activity. If it shows signs of exhaustion, dehydration, dizziness, or shortness of breath body, stop immediately.

If during or after physical activity you feel pain in the abdominal area or contractions, stop the activity and call your doctor immediately.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

One of the natural consequences of pregnancy is the weight gain of the mother. During nine months of gestation, the mother should eat a little more than usual and must incorporate different foods to your diet to make sure that your baby is getting all the nutrients it needs for its development.

However, many mothers are unaware of what is the amount of weight that isconsidered healthy for the pregnancy, so tend to exceed and, therefore, to beexposed to different health problems and complications.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

How much should weight gain be?

It is important to note that there is no one size that should get any woman during pregnancy. This happens because every patient is different, by what your weight gain will depend on various factors such as weight, which had prior to pregnancy and what is your (BMI) body mass index.

In general, the weight gain should be the following:
  • If before pregnancy had a BMI of less than 18.5 must increase from 13 to 18 pounds during pregnancy
  • If before pregnancy had a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 you need to increase 11 to 14 poundsduring pregnancy
  • If before pregnancy had a BMI of 25 to 29 must be increased of 7 to 11 pounds during pregnancy

What about multiple pregnancy?If you have a multiple pregnancy, it is very likely that your weight gain is greater. The most advisable is to consult your doctor to check your weight gain in your particular case should be.

What happens if it increases more than recommended?
Control weight gain during pregnancy is very important for the health of the mother and the baby. When it increases more than recommended, the mother is exposed tovarious complications such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

In addition, complications due to excessive weight during pregnancy is not onlylimited to date of birth, but the mother will also be more difficult to return to your ideal weight after the birth of your baby

Teach Your Kids The Alphabet And Numbers

If your child has not yet started pre school but recognize colors and knows the vowels, then you'll be in excellent conditions to quickly learn the syllables and of course, the words are formed.

It is not only that you remember the names of the letters but you know to correctly identify the sounds of the alphabet. To help you in this task, simply that you practice with it, some phonetic exercises.

You can start with something simple. Placed the child on your throat's hand and begins to modulate exaggerated vowels, show you to pronounce it must open or close the mouth. The child will notice that each letter is different.

Teach Your Baby The Alphabet And Numbers

You can also use graphics or children's books containing letters, indicating them often. Ask that also repeat with you. Finally, you can sing any song that you remember or invent one.

Why do children need phonics instruction? Researchers consider that experiencedreaders have enough preparation to associate the graphic signs and pronunciation.The phonetic term is used by educators to mean teaching which focuses on instilling knowledge of the alphabet and the correspondence between the signs and sounds.

It is very important that the small observed that parents take care of the books andenjoy reading, so he will also be curious to learn and mimic their behavior. To facilitate the educational process of the child, for 20 or 30 minutes, any member of the family can read a story aloud, making various intonations and dramatizing every scene. They can ask questions to the child about what he thinks of the narration, think that will end the story and reinvent all of the story. If the child is not so small, you can search for words in the dictionary and replace with synonym all words that happen toyou. Those texts of nursery rhymes or short verses that prepare it for spelling are recommended for the little ones.

It is important to tell the kids that books are read from left to right and that there are spaces between words. Also you can tell them that every word he says the reader it is written in the book, i.e., that there is a correspondence between what we say andread.

A key to familiarize the child with some words from your everyday writing is putting little signs to the objects in his room. So you know that the site where you sleep at night is called "bed" and that every time that you want to watch TV has to sit in a "Chair"

Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy

Today is considered sufficient to increase the energy needs of a woman pregnant, healthy and well nourished, in 200 to 300 Kcal per day during the second and third quarter, total of 2000 Kcal. the daily requirement during pregnancy about 1700 + 300Kcal

  • Nutritional requirement

For pregnant woman protein needs are of 1 g/kg/day. During pregnancy these needs increase given the huge synthesis of new both maternal and fetal tissues, especially in the last quarter. The National Council of American research proposed that starting in the second quarter, the pregnant woman should eat of 10-12 grs. additional protein when you are older than 24 years and 15 grams per day when it is under 24 years of age.

Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy

This corresponds to increase the protein needs between 1.2 and 1.5 g/kg/day. They must be of high biological value proteins. Protein rich foods are the meats of beef, poultry, fish, eggs, grains, nuts. You must switch between different types of meat distributed among 210 to 240 Gr. daily lunch and dinner, do not eat more than two eggs a week. Beads you must consume a Cup three times a week.

Special recommendations related to the in take of this nutrient macro, for pregnant women has not been established. They must provide around 50% of the total energy in take. They are in potatoes, cassava, Cocoyam, celery, banana and cereals.

It must eat about 6 servings/day, divided between meals and snacks for example two slices of bread, 30 Gr. dry cereal, a cup of oat meal or fororo, a medium-sized arepa, six crackers, half a cup of rice, hot cereal or cooked pasta. Cereals and whole grain bread are preferable. 1/2 cup vegetables, 1/4 cup of banana.

  • Nutritional needs during pregnancy
The amount of lipids in the diet will be approximately 30% of the total energy. Not only the quantity but the quality of the fat that is ingested during pregnancy is important. It should take into account the need of certain fatty acids, which are important for the formation of the nervous system and the retina of the fetus, and this contribution is guaranteed including fish in your diet.

During pregnancy there is a Hyperlipidemia (increased cholesterol and triglycerides) physiological. They are also found in meats, dairy products and vegetable oils. They must drink 2-3 glasses of milk per day, you can swap with 2 slices of cheese or aration of 30 Gr. cottage cheese or curd, a yogurt.

  • Nutritional needs during pregnancy
There is an increase in the requirements of vitamins during pregnancy and they play acrucial role in metabolism, most do not contribute with the energy input, with abalanced diet is enough to meet the daily requirement and don't need any vitamin supplement. Vitamin C is essential for the absorption of iron.

We can get them in yellow, vegetables, green leafy vegetables and fruits. In its raw form gets all its nutritional value. They should eat five to seven servings per day, a serving is equivalent to half a Cup when they are cooked, when they're raw or 180 ml in juice, a cup can spread in two cups of vegetables (watercress, spinach, lettuce, green beans, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper, calbacin) and 5 servings of fruit a day.

Special mention should be folic acid since it has an a 122% increase due to the growth of the fetus and the placenta needs as well as increase the maternal red blood cell production. Currently it is recommended that all women in reproductive age consume 400 mcg/day three months before pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

  • Minerals
The daily requirement of iron are 15 mg/day, and during pregnancy, these requirements increase to a total of 30 mg/day, ferrous sulfate salt is which is better absorbed. The dose to correct anemia are far greater. Anemia has been associated with prematurity, newly born of low weight at birth. The requirement during pregnancy increase can not be satisfied by the content of iron in ordinary diets or by the many women iron reserve, therefore recommended the use of 30 to 60 mg of supplemental iron.

Requirements of iron during lactation are not substantially different from non-pregnant women, but it is advisable to keep for 2-3 months after delivery supplementary administration of iron to replenish the reserves that have been decreased during pregnancy.

Calcium and phosphorus
Daily calcium requirements are additional 400 mg 800 mg recommended

Why is Important Should Be Drinking During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is very important to keep fresh, healty body and mind, since only in this way you would be doing whatever is at their disposal to promote their well-being and the health of the baby that is waiting for you. In this case, you should know that is not just eating for two, but also it is hydrating for two. So it's very important, you should to know the reason of proper hydration during pregnancy.

Why is it important to properly hydrate during pregnancy?
It should be noted that, during pregnancy, a baby is brewing inside her uterus, reason why the demand for liquid that requires your body will be higher. The volume of body fluids increases during pregnancy, so you should consume a greater quantity of liquids in order to satisfy the demands of your body.

drinking during pregnancy

It is important to drink enough fluids in pregnancy for the following reasons:
  • To form the amniotic fluid
  • to keep well hydrated
  • To promote the growth of your baby
  • To prevent infections
  • To avoid discomfort of pregnancy such as constipation, heartburn, and nausea
  • To release the toxins from your body
  • In addition to all these reasons why it is necessary to drink water during pregnancy, you should know that some studies have shown that fluids in pregnancy reduces therisk of premature delivery.

How many liquid should take?
It is recommended that you eat from 2 to 2.5 liters of fluids per day during pregnancy. Remember: whenever you're thirsty, you should drink liquids.

Should I drink water only?
The amount of fluids suggested not only must come from the water. You can also drink beverages such as milk, fruit juices or vegetable or soups. If you drink any ofthese options during the day, you can post them within the suggested amount of daily to its consumption.

Consuming Fat Foods During Pregnancy

Eat Fat Foods is very important role during the pregnancy, reason why the mother should eat them daily to meet the requirements of your body and the baby. It should be remembered that fats also produce the body's energy reserves, so, during pregnancy, is best avoided any type of diet to lower, since this could bring negative consequences on the health of the mother and the baby waiting.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that while the requirements of fat are theeasiest to obtain, also is very simple you overdo and, consequently, increase more weight than it should. For this reason, we offer a series of data and recommendations that will serve as helpful when choosing what fats to consume during pregnancy.

Consuming Fat Foods During Pregnancy

Why is it important to consume fat?
During pregnancy, the mother will need extra energy due to the growth of theplacenta structures and the development of the baby in the uterus. The changes that are occurring in your body require much energy, so the mother should increase their in take of fat to meet the requirements of your body.

Are all fats good? "Good" or unsaturated fats are those that:
• Transport energy
• Help hormone production
• Wrap your vital organs
• They are a source of energy for the body
• Protect the blood vessels
• Regulates body temperature
• Provides essential fatty acids

This type of fat in two classifications:
• Monounsaturated: are those that are found in olive oil and nuts.
• Polyunsaturated fats: these fats are vegetable margarines, cod liver oil and oily fish.These are indispensable for the development of the brain and the nervous system of your baby.

On the other hand they are saturated fats, which can raise cholesterol levels when taken in excess. However, they are also necessary for the body, so you should eat them in moderation. These fats are present in the fat of beef, pork, chocolate, butter,among others.

What happens if these fats are consumed?
Several studies suggest that lack of fats in pregnancy is related to the increase in the risk of preterm labor and hypertension in pregnancy.

What foods to consume?
• Margarine
• Olive oil
• Cream
• Cream
• Dried fruits
• Sour cream
• Cheese
• Fish
• Fish liver oil

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that include foods rich in unsaturated fats, and occasionally consume saturated fat, always taking care not to do so in excess in the case of the latter.

Medicines During Pregnancy

What medicines can I take during pregnancy?
Talk to your doctor about any medicine that takes. Be sure to say to all those who prescribed medicines that you are pregnant. Even drugs that are asquieren without a prescription can harm a baby, especially if taken during the first months of pregnancy since all organs are being formed.

If you are taking any drug during pregnancy, we must take into account the following premises:

• Try not to consume any drug during the first trimester unless it is essential.
• Avoid self-medication.
• Consider the risk/benefit ratio and the minimum effective dose.
• Do not consider no safe drug for baby in 100%.
• Use those drugs that you have more experience in pregnant women.
• Keep in mind that the topical medication also absorbs, (E.g., creams)

What medicines should I take?

Of course that there are large number of studies on the safety of numerous drugs during pregnancy and in what circumstances the risk of using them would overcomethe benefits that may arise.

Analyzing and group all of these studies have allowed different classifications ofmedications according to the risk to the fetus. One of the most widespread is the onemade by the American FDA, which is responsible for the authorization andmonitoring of medicines in the United States.

This classification includes medication in 5 categories:

Classification of drugs for use during pregnancy:

• Category A: women-controlled studies do not demonstrate a risk to the fetus in thefirst trimester and there is no obvious risk in the rest of the pregnancy. The possibilityof fetal injury seems remote.

• Category B: animal reproduction studies do not indicate any risk to the fetus, butthere are no controlled studies on pregnant women; or animal reproduction studieshave shown adverse effects which are not confirmed in controlled studies in the firstquarter.

• Category C: animal studies have shown adverse effects on the fetus and there are nocontrolled studies in women; or not there are studies on women and animals. Drugsof this group should be given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk tothe fetus.

• Category D: there is positive evidence of risk to the human fetus.

• Category X: studies in animals and humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalitiesor there is evidence of fetal risk based on human experience and/or animals. The riskof its use in pregnant women clearly exceed any benefits and they arecontraindicated in women who are or may be pregnant.

Benefits of taking your child to the Park

Playing outdoors is an extremely beneficial for your child activity does not know all the positive consequences that this can generate? After reading this article you might want to take your little every day at the Park!

Why parkland?
Take your child to the playground plays a very important role in their social, cognitive, physical and emotional development. This environment enhances their abilities, their imagination and creativity. It is therefore of at most importance that you take your child several times a week at the Park. Even, if possible, a couple of hours each day.

Benefits of taking your child to the Park

What are the benefits of taking your child to the Park?

Improve your social skills
In the Park child not will only be his son, but many other children who will be playingin it. This will allow you to interact with them and build skills to socialize. They will begin to understand how you should behave, learn to share and even to wait theirturn.

It improves your physical condition
In the park his son will run, jump, will use artifacts, slip, walk, laugh. Finally, in the parkyour child will be very active. This will improve their physical skills and keep in shape.

The Park is a great way for your child to do a little physical activity a day. It will promote their good state of health and keep him away from childhood obesity, areality that has intensified in the world.

It improves concentration
Take your child to the Park will be to break the routine and refresh your mind in arecreational activity. This is very positive for improves your concentration.

Develop your imagination
Perhaps you as an adult believes that a park is just a park. For a child, on the contrary,a park is a world full of possibilities to imagine. During the time that passes in theplace it will create history with friends who do, imagine situations and have fun a lot.A slide can be a mountain, a passage in the jungle, an escape to the villain whopursues it for your children, the possibilities are endless!

It will grow
Playing in the Park will make your child to receive sunlight, which helps producevitamin D. This vitamin is essential for calcium is set in the bones. Therefore, it will boost the growth of his son to take him to the Park great!

How To Grow Hair In A Week Naturally

Many experts argue that it is not possible to accelerate the growth of hair, there are several popular home treatment that have been passed from generation togeneration to do so.

The only way to check if it really works is to try it. A trick that never fails is thepregnancy: pregnant women's hair grows fast! However, this trick is not very handy,you can try other...

How To Grow Hair In A Week Naturally

How To Grow Hair In A Week Naturally

Onions: mix onion with your shampoo. Wait 15 days and start using it regularly. Thistrick will not only accelerate the growth, but it will give you a glacial sheen to yourhair.

Another method with onions: cut a red onion in half and put it in a pot with fourcloves of garlic and two cinnamon sticks. Bring to a boil for 15 minutes. Wash the hairwith this infusion four days in a row.

Lemon and onions: Mix equal amounts of onion and lemon juice in a bowl. Massagethis mixture on your scalp.

Reflexology: with the hands, locate the nails of both handsagainst each other and rub them vigorously during 5 minutes in a day.Control pills: crush four or five birth control pills and mix them with yourshampoo. This method will extend more fast and also more healthy and abundanthair.

Sleeping with braids: before going to bed at night wash your hair. Pick it up in twobraids while it is wet. Sleep with braids. Repeat the following night. After two or threedays, you will notice that the hair looks longer.

The Moon: trim the hair ends every month during the days of the waxing moon.Aloe (Aloe vera) and honey: cut three leaves of Aloe Vera and remove the gel. Mix thegel with honey and apply on the scalp. Leave to act for 20 minutes and wash.

Water: when you cook potatoes do not dispose of the water. Let cool andthen wash your hair with it. This washing will accelerate growth.Vera pulp: cut several leaves of Aloe Vera into small pieces and leave them inwater overnight. Apply water onto the hair leaving act as much as possible.

Energizing breakfast: 1 tablespoon wheat germ 1 tablespoon of Brewer's yeast, 1tablespoon of lecithin from soy, 1 tablespoon honey and a cup of yogurt.

Combine allingredients in yogurt and eat it every day before breakfast. In one week, you will seethe results: a hair full of vitality and growing rapidly. Nutrition for your hair: 1 egg, 1 dash of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply to thescalp vigorously massaging. Cover your head with a towel for 30 minutes. Washnormally.

Rosemary water: a wash daily with water of Rosemary will make hair grow faster.

This was a list of some used home remedies to grow your hair so accelerated these 7 days. You can also try these tricks to lengthen hair in less than a week and withoutingredients harmful to health or this list of tips to grow hair faster and abundant, andremember to always follow the directions of your health care professional beforetrying any of these alternatives at home

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

October marks the start of Breast Cancer Awareness month, a yearly crusade that expects to expand information and familiarity with the infection.

A more critical take a gander at the stunning details about bosom tumor uncover why this is a vital reason to such a variety of individuals.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the Breast Cancer Care press group have all that you requirement for any components on bosom growth consistently. All trusts raised all through October mean Breast Cancer Care can give its expert medical caretakers, neighborhood administrations and key enthusiastic bolster system

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

As indicated by the American Cancer Society, like clockwork a lady in the United States is determined to have bosom growth - that is everything from "stage zero" tumor (which a few specialists accept shouldn't even be called malignancy) to the deadliest structure: obtrusive bosom disease.

The growth association likewise appraises that 231,840 new instances of intrusive bosom tumor will be analyzed in ladies in the United States this year. What's more, an expected 2,350 new cases will be analyzed in men.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, an a World's piece Health Organization, assessed that in 2012, around 1.7 million new instances of bosom malignancy in ladies happened around the world.

These numbers have affected the requirement for ahead of schedule discovery and screenings. As indicated by the Food and Drug Administration, more than 39 million mammograms are performed every year in the United States.

Furthermore, those mammograms may have had an effect. The American Cancer Society reports that the bosom growth passing rate is down 34% since 1990. As of Jan. 1, 2014, there were more than 3.1 million bosom malignancy survivors in the U.S.

The World Cancer Research Fund International reports that there are more than 6 million bosom malignancy survivors around the world, giving numerous survivors motivation to praise this month.

Bosom disease is the most widely recognized malignancy among ladies in the United States (other than skin growth). Yet, a great many ladies are surviving the sickness thanks to some degree to ahead of schedule recognition and enhancements in treatment.

The American Cancer Society is effectively helping so as to battle bosom disease ladies get tried to discover bosom tumor prior, and assisting them with comprehension their treatment alternatives and adapt to the physical and enthusiastic reactions. We likewise store examination to assist counteract, with discovering, and treat bosom disease.