Methods For Relieving Pain In Labour Without Medicine

Almost all women experience pain during childbirth, but as every woman is different,answer to this pain manifests it self in different ways. Forms most frequent of pain relief during labor

Methods for relieving pain in labour without medicine

Methods that do not use products is usually pharmacological are some effective natural methods but others whose effectiveness has not yet been established by any study. They should go through a process of review and medical analysis.

Relieving Pain In Labour

  • Body for expansion, labour and birth positions:
Women should be offered the possibility of adopting the stance she preferred, which means that it does not have to be necessarily lying in bed and that you can stand, sit or walk, especially in the phase of expansion.

Position will assume for the birth will depend on each woman and the doctor that treats it. Several studies suggest that a vertical or lateral position during the second stage of labour offers many advantages over the dorsal position,including less pain.
  • Pain relief taking a shower or a bath, is effective in many women.
  • Breathing techniques, relaxation, away from the attention of pain. Often used incombination with others such as hypnosis, music, etc.
  • Relief of the pain of childbirth through lumbar massage:
During labor, many women feel better if they are touched, caressed or massaged,since as a source of contra estimulacion, touch and massage can relieve pain.

The massage consists of applying pressure, using the fist, the heel of the hand, or two hands, with firm, circular movements in the lower back during contractions to relaxmuscles.

  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. (TENS):
Method by which is that they activate peripheral sensory receptors, but their effectiveness has not been demonstrated in work serious scientists.
  • Other techniques: use of heat and cold surface, acupuncture, immersion in water,use of herbs and aromatherapy fragrances, etc.

Pharmacological methods of pain relief

The pharmacological pain relief has been gaining many followers especially in the artos attended by doctors. Its effect ara mothers pain relief has been investigated inseveral clinical studies and well documented its effectiveness but may be accompanied by side effects to the baby
  • Dr*gs: the opiate alkaloids such as m*rphine, derivatives of phenothiazine (promethazine), and other pain relievers.

Inhalation of anesthetic agents is used in some countries (the most common is with50% oxygen-nitrous oxide).
  • Epidural analgesia: is the most used during childbirth. Provides a better and longer lasting control of pain, but it is necessary that childbirth is treated at a well-equipped hospital, the anesthesiologist must be constantly available and the woman must have continuous monitoring.
