Teach Your Kids The Alphabet And Numbers

If your child has not yet started pre school but recognize colors and knows the vowels, then you'll be in excellent conditions to quickly learn the syllables and of course, the words are formed.

It is not only that you remember the names of the letters but you know to correctly identify the sounds of the alphabet. To help you in this task, simply that you practice with it, some phonetic exercises.

You can start with something simple. Placed the child on your throat's hand and begins to modulate exaggerated vowels, show you to pronounce it must open or close the mouth. The child will notice that each letter is different.

Teach Your Baby The Alphabet And Numbers

You can also use graphics or children's books containing letters, indicating them often. Ask that also repeat with you. Finally, you can sing any song that you remember or invent one.

Why do children need phonics instruction? Researchers consider that experiencedreaders have enough preparation to associate the graphic signs and pronunciation.The phonetic term is used by educators to mean teaching which focuses on instilling knowledge of the alphabet and the correspondence between the signs and sounds.

It is very important that the small observed that parents take care of the books andenjoy reading, so he will also be curious to learn and mimic their behavior. To facilitate the educational process of the child, for 20 or 30 minutes, any member of the family can read a story aloud, making various intonations and dramatizing every scene. They can ask questions to the child about what he thinks of the narration, think that will end the story and reinvent all of the story. If the child is not so small, you can search for words in the dictionary and replace with synonym all words that happen toyou. Those texts of nursery rhymes or short verses that prepare it for spelling are recommended for the little ones.

It is important to tell the kids that books are read from left to right and that there are spaces between words. Also you can tell them that every word he says the reader it is written in the book, i.e., that there is a correspondence between what we say andread.

A key to familiarize the child with some words from your everyday writing is putting little signs to the objects in his room. So you know that the site where you sleep at night is called "bed" and that every time that you want to watch TV has to sit in a "Chair"
