Back Pain During Pregnancy And How To Relieve It

During pregnancy, it is common that the mother suffers a series of symptoms caused by physical and hormonal changes affecting your body in the presence of the baby that is located in the mother's womb. The presence of these symptoms, as well as the frequency and the intensity of them, varies from a patient to another.

However, there are some whose presence is very common in pregnant women and symptoms that affect a large percentage of the mothers as they await your baby.

Is it common to have back pain in pregnancy?
Specialists say that around 70% of pregnant women suffer from back pain at some point in pregnancy, especially during the third quarter.

What causes back pain?
Pregnancy back pain are caused by several factors, among which is the weight gain ofthe mother and the progressive growth of the uterus, which causes the center ofgravity of the body change and consequently generated backaches due to poor posture.

How to relieve back pain during pregnancy ?

To relieve back pain during pregnancy, we recommend the following:
  • Keep good posture. To do this, we recommend you try to maintain an upright
  • If you must pick up an object from the ground, Crouching rather than leaning forward. It is important to raise the subject with your legs and not your back.
  • Wear comfortable and suitable footwear. It is highly advisable to avoid heels,preferably.
  • Avoid long standing
  • Try to relax enough
  • If you must stand for more time than it should, try to have at its disposal a stool or something that serves you to support a foot. In this way it will rest one leg and you can switch to another whenever you feel tired.
  • If approved by your doctor, make prenatal exercise under the observation of aqualified trainer.
  • Use a strip of support provided by your doctor to relieve pressure on your back.
  • Receive back massages provided by a specialist in prenatal massage.

When to call the doctor?
You should take into account that very intense back pain is usually associated with preterm birth. Therefore, if you experience this symptom either frequent or intense,best is please contact your doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Also, refrain from taking any kind of medicines and only eat those that have been prescribed by the doctor. Medications not approved in advance by the physician canbring as consequence that the welfare of the baby is put at risk.
