Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Prenatal Yoga During Pregnancy

Do prenatal yoga during pregnancy is a very good choice for mother to keep in shape. This exercise will not only be good for the health of the mother and the baby, but also to prepare it for labour.

What can you expect of a prenatal yoga class?

During a prenatal yoga class mother held various low-intensity exercises to streng then his limbs, as well as also increase your balance and flexibility. To perform them, the mother can use a thin mattress or pillow to provide support.

Prenatal Yoga During Pregnancy

It will also do breathing exercises, which will help the mother can relieve shortness of breath caused by pregnancy. These exercises will be very useful for the time of delivery, since the mother can take better contractions through breathing.

Finally, the mother will do some relaxation exercises indicated by the instructor.

What are the main benefits of doing prenatal yoga?

  • It reduces stress
  • It reduces the risk that the mother is intrauterine growth restriction, which slows the growth of the baby
  • Decreases hypertension causing the pregnancy because of the physical changes that occur in the body of the mother
  • Reduces anxiety
  • It improves sleep
  • It helps to reduce back pain and headache
  • It increases flexibility, strength and the strength of the muscles involved in child birth
  • It decreases the risk of preterm birth
  • You can help reduce the nausea of the first trimester of pregnancy

Before you start prenatal yoga, it's importance for a mother to talk with a doctor imediatly, if the exercise is beneficial for you. when your doctor deems appropriate to this activity, the mother can enter into a kind of yoga that should be special for pregnant women.

Back Pain During Pregnancy And How To Relieve It

During pregnancy, it is common that the mother suffers a series of symptoms caused by physical and hormonal changes affecting your body in the presence of the baby that is located in the mother's womb. The presence of these symptoms, as well as the frequency and the intensity of them, varies from a patient to another.

However, there are some whose presence is very common in pregnant women and symptoms that affect a large percentage of the mothers as they await your baby.

Is it common to have back pain in pregnancy?
Specialists say that around 70% of pregnant women suffer from back pain at some point in pregnancy, especially during the third quarter.

What causes back pain?
Pregnancy back pain are caused by several factors, among which is the weight gain ofthe mother and the progressive growth of the uterus, which causes the center ofgravity of the body change and consequently generated backaches due to poor posture.

How to relieve back pain during pregnancy ?

To relieve back pain during pregnancy, we recommend the following:
  • Keep good posture. To do this, we recommend you try to maintain an upright
  • If you must pick up an object from the ground, Crouching rather than leaning forward. It is important to raise the subject with your legs and not your back.
  • Wear comfortable and suitable footwear. It is highly advisable to avoid heels,preferably.
  • Avoid long standing
  • Try to relax enough
  • If you must stand for more time than it should, try to have at its disposal a stool or something that serves you to support a foot. In this way it will rest one leg and you can switch to another whenever you feel tired.
  • If approved by your doctor, make prenatal exercise under the observation of aqualified trainer.
  • Use a strip of support provided by your doctor to relieve pressure on your back.
  • Receive back massages provided by a specialist in prenatal massage.

When to call the doctor?
You should take into account that very intense back pain is usually associated with preterm birth. Therefore, if you experience this symptom either frequent or intense,best is please contact your doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Also, refrain from taking any kind of medicines and only eat those that have been prescribed by the doctor. Medications not approved in advance by the physician canbring as consequence that the welfare of the baby is put at risk.

Drinking Milk During Pregnancy Make Your Child Smarter

Food is one of the greatest intake that the mother has to ensure the development of your baby. Nutrients consumed in pregnancy not only will help your baby to develop within its belly to level body, but also cognitively. Therefore, it must be very attentive to all the foods you eat during "sweet waiting".

Although it may seem strange, but foods such as algae, strawberries and milk may make your child smarter if you consume them during pregnancy. This is because these foods contain iodine, an essential element for the production of hormones of the thyroid gland, which can have an impact on the mental and physical development of babies in utero.

Drinking Milk During Pregnancy

Why is it important to consume iodine?

Iodine is an element that plays a very important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland, since this needs iodine to produce hormones. These hormones are necessary for the regulation of metabolism, muscle tissue and nervous system development, as well as being fundamental in cognitive development.

It is important to consume iodine in pregnancy by:

During pregnancy, the thyroid gland works more than in normal conditions, so it isnecessary to consume the prenatal vitamin supplements that include iodine, Lack of iodine can help the baby develop irreversible neurological injury

What about the research?

The specialists responsible for the research took urine samples from more than 1,000 pregnant women and determined that those who had a deficit of iodine were more likely to have children with intellectual coefficients lower than those who had no suchlack.

In addition, it was determined that the effect is not only short-term, but also in the medium and long term. In fact, studies showed that children of mothers with iodine deficiency had lower grades in reading and writing but not in math.

Pregnancy Exercise For Beginners: Easy Worksout

It is never too late. This is the premise that should keep in mind about healthy living,which is so important in everyday life and, even more, during pregnancy. If you did not have healthy habits before pregnancy, don't worry! Only it should not pass in one second more to start working for their health and that of your baby.

An exercise routine should be complemented with a good healthy and balanced diet. Remember that, during pregnancy, the mother power is the only source of nutrients for the baby, so make sure to have a varied diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Pregnancy Exercise For Beginners

Can you exercise while pregnant?

The first thing you should do is talk to your doctor. This will verify your state of health and the development of your pregnancy, in such a way that you can determine if it is suitable or not for you to exercise in pregnancy.

If the answer is Yes, you can start to do an exercise routine. We recommend that an hour of exercise a day at a moderate intensity. Exercises such as swimming, the prenatal yoga and walking are ideal for a pregnant woman.

Can exercise be dangerous?
Whenever you perform exercise under the authorization from your doctor, you should not be dangerous. You must ensure that physical activity that you do not put it at risk of a fall or shock. I.e., do not perform high impact activities, extreme or contact sports.

When to stop?
If you are not accustomed to exercise, should pay attention to how it reacts to physical activity. If it shows signs of exhaustion, dehydration, dizziness, or shortness of breath body, stop immediately.

If during or after physical activity you feel pain in the abdominal area or contractions, stop the activity and call your doctor immediately.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

One of the natural consequences of pregnancy is the weight gain of the mother. During nine months of gestation, the mother should eat a little more than usual and must incorporate different foods to your diet to make sure that your baby is getting all the nutrients it needs for its development.

However, many mothers are unaware of what is the amount of weight that isconsidered healthy for the pregnancy, so tend to exceed and, therefore, to beexposed to different health problems and complications.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

How much should weight gain be?

It is important to note that there is no one size that should get any woman during pregnancy. This happens because every patient is different, by what your weight gain will depend on various factors such as weight, which had prior to pregnancy and what is your (BMI) body mass index.

In general, the weight gain should be the following:
  • If before pregnancy had a BMI of less than 18.5 must increase from 13 to 18 pounds during pregnancy
  • If before pregnancy had a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 you need to increase 11 to 14 poundsduring pregnancy
  • If before pregnancy had a BMI of 25 to 29 must be increased of 7 to 11 pounds during pregnancy

What about multiple pregnancy?If you have a multiple pregnancy, it is very likely that your weight gain is greater. The most advisable is to consult your doctor to check your weight gain in your particular case should be.

What happens if it increases more than recommended?
Control weight gain during pregnancy is very important for the health of the mother and the baby. When it increases more than recommended, the mother is exposed tovarious complications such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

In addition, complications due to excessive weight during pregnancy is not onlylimited to date of birth, but the mother will also be more difficult to return to your ideal weight after the birth of your baby

Teach Your Kids The Alphabet And Numbers

If your child has not yet started pre school but recognize colors and knows the vowels, then you'll be in excellent conditions to quickly learn the syllables and of course, the words are formed.

It is not only that you remember the names of the letters but you know to correctly identify the sounds of the alphabet. To help you in this task, simply that you practice with it, some phonetic exercises.

You can start with something simple. Placed the child on your throat's hand and begins to modulate exaggerated vowels, show you to pronounce it must open or close the mouth. The child will notice that each letter is different.

Teach Your Baby The Alphabet And Numbers

You can also use graphics or children's books containing letters, indicating them often. Ask that also repeat with you. Finally, you can sing any song that you remember or invent one.

Why do children need phonics instruction? Researchers consider that experiencedreaders have enough preparation to associate the graphic signs and pronunciation.The phonetic term is used by educators to mean teaching which focuses on instilling knowledge of the alphabet and the correspondence between the signs and sounds.

It is very important that the small observed that parents take care of the books andenjoy reading, so he will also be curious to learn and mimic their behavior. To facilitate the educational process of the child, for 20 or 30 minutes, any member of the family can read a story aloud, making various intonations and dramatizing every scene. They can ask questions to the child about what he thinks of the narration, think that will end the story and reinvent all of the story. If the child is not so small, you can search for words in the dictionary and replace with synonym all words that happen toyou. Those texts of nursery rhymes or short verses that prepare it for spelling are recommended for the little ones.

It is important to tell the kids that books are read from left to right and that there are spaces between words. Also you can tell them that every word he says the reader it is written in the book, i.e., that there is a correspondence between what we say andread.

A key to familiarize the child with some words from your everyday writing is putting little signs to the objects in his room. So you know that the site where you sleep at night is called "bed" and that every time that you want to watch TV has to sit in a "Chair"

Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy

Today is considered sufficient to increase the energy needs of a woman pregnant, healthy and well nourished, in 200 to 300 Kcal per day during the second and third quarter, total of 2000 Kcal. the daily requirement during pregnancy about 1700 + 300Kcal

  • Nutritional requirement

For pregnant woman protein needs are of 1 g/kg/day. During pregnancy these needs increase given the huge synthesis of new both maternal and fetal tissues, especially in the last quarter. The National Council of American research proposed that starting in the second quarter, the pregnant woman should eat of 10-12 grs. additional protein when you are older than 24 years and 15 grams per day when it is under 24 years of age.

Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy

This corresponds to increase the protein needs between 1.2 and 1.5 g/kg/day. They must be of high biological value proteins. Protein rich foods are the meats of beef, poultry, fish, eggs, grains, nuts. You must switch between different types of meat distributed among 210 to 240 Gr. daily lunch and dinner, do not eat more than two eggs a week. Beads you must consume a Cup three times a week.

Special recommendations related to the in take of this nutrient macro, for pregnant women has not been established. They must provide around 50% of the total energy in take. They are in potatoes, cassava, Cocoyam, celery, banana and cereals.

It must eat about 6 servings/day, divided between meals and snacks for example two slices of bread, 30 Gr. dry cereal, a cup of oat meal or fororo, a medium-sized arepa, six crackers, half a cup of rice, hot cereal or cooked pasta. Cereals and whole grain bread are preferable. 1/2 cup vegetables, 1/4 cup of banana.

  • Nutritional needs during pregnancy
The amount of lipids in the diet will be approximately 30% of the total energy. Not only the quantity but the quality of the fat that is ingested during pregnancy is important. It should take into account the need of certain fatty acids, which are important for the formation of the nervous system and the retina of the fetus, and this contribution is guaranteed including fish in your diet.

During pregnancy there is a Hyperlipidemia (increased cholesterol and triglycerides) physiological. They are also found in meats, dairy products and vegetable oils. They must drink 2-3 glasses of milk per day, you can swap with 2 slices of cheese or aration of 30 Gr. cottage cheese or curd, a yogurt.

  • Nutritional needs during pregnancy
There is an increase in the requirements of vitamins during pregnancy and they play acrucial role in metabolism, most do not contribute with the energy input, with abalanced diet is enough to meet the daily requirement and don't need any vitamin supplement. Vitamin C is essential for the absorption of iron.

We can get them in yellow, vegetables, green leafy vegetables and fruits. In its raw form gets all its nutritional value. They should eat five to seven servings per day, a serving is equivalent to half a Cup when they are cooked, when they're raw or 180 ml in juice, a cup can spread in two cups of vegetables (watercress, spinach, lettuce, green beans, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper, calbacin) and 5 servings of fruit a day.

Special mention should be folic acid since it has an a 122% increase due to the growth of the fetus and the placenta needs as well as increase the maternal red blood cell production. Currently it is recommended that all women in reproductive age consume 400 mcg/day three months before pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.

  • Minerals
The daily requirement of iron are 15 mg/day, and during pregnancy, these requirements increase to a total of 30 mg/day, ferrous sulfate salt is which is better absorbed. The dose to correct anemia are far greater. Anemia has been associated with prematurity, newly born of low weight at birth. The requirement during pregnancy increase can not be satisfied by the content of iron in ordinary diets or by the many women iron reserve, therefore recommended the use of 30 to 60 mg of supplemental iron.

Requirements of iron during lactation are not substantially different from non-pregnant women, but it is advisable to keep for 2-3 months after delivery supplementary administration of iron to replenish the reserves that have been decreased during pregnancy.

Calcium and phosphorus
Daily calcium requirements are additional 400 mg 800 mg recommended