Placenta Previa And Premature detachment of the placenta: Bleeding in pregnancy

Placenta previa and premature detachment of the placenta causes of bleeding in pregnancy

Vag*nal bleeding during pregnancy is a sign that may indicate that the
pregnancy is not developing normally. Therefore, offer reasons why two of the main causes of bleeding occur: placenta previa and placenta Abruption.

What is the placenta Abruption?

During pregnancy, the placenta is firmly attached to the wall of the uterus, through which the baby receives all the nutrients and oxygen necessary for normal growth and development, as well as waste are also deleted as the carbon dioxide and toxic substances that when born were eliminated through feces and urine.

Placenta Previa

The Placental Abruption occurs when this is separated from the
wall of the uterus before the baby is born and can be partial or total.

What are the causes of premature detachment of the placenta?

In general, the Placental Abruption usually occur when the mother suffers a blow in the stomach area, either by a fall, an accident or a physical assault.

What is does to treat placenta detachment?

  1. In cases of partial the doctor observed the condition in which the mother is to determine how much blood he lost because of the Placental Abruption and determine if you can continue the pregnancy
  2. It will be a monitoring constantly to find out if the baby is getting theenough oxygen
  3. In some cases of partial and in all cases of detachmentpremature total placenta, the physician must be a cesarean of emergency it more soon possible because it endangered the life of the baby and the mother.

What is placenta previa?

Placenta previa is a condition in which the placenta is implanted in the lower part of the uterus, so it covers totally or partially the opening to the cervix.

How is it diagnosed?

Placenta previa is diagnosed when the mother is being examined with the ultrasonography in prenatal care appointments. If you want Line Android on your smartphone, you will only have to download it, something easy to have the phone you have. Usually, this condition is usually detected around week 19-20 of pregnancy.

Placenta praevia grades are:

First grade: the placenta is at the bottom of the uterus, to less than three centimeters, but does not reach the internal orifice of cervix

Second grade: the placenta comes up to the opening of the cervix but does not cover it

Third degree: the placenta covers part of the cervix

Fourth grade: the placenta is located in the central part of the cervix

When a vaginal birth can be or should be used to a c-section?

If placenta previa is of first or second degree, the baby could be born vag*nally if the doctor seems suitable. But mothers who have placenta praevia higher than third grade (Occlusive Centre), must have a baby through a cesarean section.

Healthy Diet During Pregnancy At Third Trimester

At the third trimester of the pregnancy, weight of pregnant women will increase in 10 or 12 kg approximately, distributed in the following way: the fetus will have 3,500 grams; the placenta, interstitial fluid and blood volume added 1,200 or 1,800 grams; breast growth will be 400 grams and other 1640 grams will be maternal adipose tissue.

It is not of measures fixed. These will vary depending on the physical, stature and the diet of every pregnant woman. The health check will determine what is the best food and energy.

It is not recommended that you do comment if "you should eat for two", simply because being overweight won't help you to be healthy and to take care of your child is not essential to ingest large amounts of food, but eat what is needed for their proper development.

Healty Diet During Pregnancy

Eating during pregnancy is related to problems of high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, blood circulation disorders, not to mention the complications that can occur during childbirth and how difficult that can be back to your old figure in post-partum.

Avoids the extremes, nor wealth, nor lack are recommended. If slim-line below five kgs you can limit the natural growth of the fetus. As there is a unique food that summarizes all the nutrients and calories you need, you have to work yourself to meet a varied regime (FAT, carbohydrates and proteins), in moderation. Your new plan will be to increase the number of meals you do, without increasing the amount of what you consume. In other words, it is advisable that you feed three or five times a day, so you feel satisfied and no desire to kill the hunger with products out of your diet.

Leisurely breakfast with bread, spread with margarine and cheese, yogurt, juice or chopped slices of your favorite fruit. Retrieves the custom of snack and full lunch, so prevent you to dinner with a voracious appetite and will keep your body well supplied during the day. You drink two liters of water daily and includes a minimum of three servings of dairy products or substitutes manufactured based plants enriched with protein and calcium in your meals. Fats are also essential and must not delete them, unless medical prescription. This is the case of the milk fat, vegetable oils and which provide blue fish.

Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

Towards the third month of pregnancy, they tend to be very recurrent cravings. Women do not know how to control those urgent desires to swallow up to the most unusual food. These whims respond to needs of the body, caused by the hormones of the pancreas that drive to eat that what is lacking. What matters is not the food itself, but the chemical composition of the product. When you have a craving, check the product label to see what ingredients and think how you can replace it with another food that are within your diet.

Acidic fruits (Orange, passion fruit, pineapple, lemons and grapefruit), pickles (cucumbers, onions) and the tomato are interchangeable. If you cause you something salty, replace it with a salad, fish, seafood and nuts. But if it's spicy, watercress, peppers, beets and Red radishes are best.

With a little will and creativity, you can dress the food that displease you, seeks alternative sources of nutrients, and creates dishes to the eye and the palate, in order to enjoy any menu by simple as it may seem.

Don't be affraid to scale

It is not essential that you weigh every day to find out how many grams have more than before. That may depress you. You can choose to do it once a month or when you go to your appointment with your doctor. When the time to weigh yourself do it always with the same scale, preferably in the morning, in fasting and without clothes, so do not be surprised the volume of your body. Some women think that to get fat are less attractive, without thinking that these ideas are only in their heads. For the rest of the people, pregnant women are wonderful human beings who await a new Member of the community.

Motherhood is a moment in the life of a woman and no one can take away that pleasure, so large, to stay and feel a baby in the womb. Look at the other mammals, perhaps you think that females are unpleasant for being pregnant. The reality is that they inspire a great tenderness and are always protected by the rest of the herd, precisely because of them depends on the survival of the species. The appearance is not so important, as the mission that has given the nature

Third Trimester Of Pregnancy: Doctor Visits

During period the Third Trimester Of Pregnancy, you will be more frequent controls. Pregnancy controls are now fortnightly and weekly for the last month.

Your doctor will continue to monitor your blood pressure and weight, as well as the activities and movements of the fetus, will continue measuring the size of your uterus and ask you about any symptoms that you may be having.

There are many tests that your doctor can practice to observe the health and well-being of your baby, as for example the ultrasonographies, the monitoring of the fetal heartbeat and certain laboratory tests. Frequent controls of your urine and blood pressure will be made and will be watched his hands and feet to detect any increasein volume. From 36 weeks until delivery, control will be weekly.

Biophysical Profile

The biophysical profile is a test in which points are allocated to measures ormovements of the baby are observed during an ultrasound examination. It has five components, each one has a value of up to 2 points, which are added up to a total of 10 points at the end. It is performed to determine is the fetus, to lowest score worse prognosis.

The components of the test are as follows:
  • A monitoring fetal not stressful.
  • Observation of movements of the trunk of the baby.
  • Observation of the muscle tone of the baby (baby watching extend your arms or leg sand back towards the body).
  • The observation of the baby's breathing movements (although the baby is not really breathing inside the uterus, can be seen movements in the fetal thorax).
  • The measure of the amount of amniotic fluid in the bag that surrounds the baby.
  • The sum of the total score will give an idea to your doctor of the overall well-being ofyour baby.


When your due date this close, your doctor will check the position of the baby. As well as they can also perform a v*ginal exam to check the dilation of the cervix as during period the Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

Referred to as hypertension to the excessive increase in high blood pressure During pregnancy in artery, it may happen that mother present problems of high blood pressure, which can occur in different types, so it is recommended that mother take the voltage every month when it has reached the second trimester of pregnancy.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the wall of the blood vessels of the body.

High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy

What are the types of hypertension that may occur in pregnancy?

• Chronic hypertension

This hypertension develops until the mother reaches the 20th week of pregnancy or may even be present before conception. This type of hypertension does not disappear after childbirth.

• Transient or gestational hypertension

This type of hypertension occurs on the third trimester of pregnancy, its intensity varies depending on each patient, there is no existence of protein in the urine.Gestational or transient hypertension disappears after childbirth automatically.

• Preeclampsia

This type of high blood pressure, also known as toxemia, can bring serious health problems for the mother and baby if you don't receive the proper treatment. Preeclampsia develops after the 20th week of pregnancy, the patient presents protein in the urine and disappears after childbirth.

What are the risk factors for pre-eclampsia?
  • Women who have any or some of the following characteristics have one higher risk ofpre-eclampsia:
  1. Diabetes
  2. Obesity
  3. A history of pre-eclampsia
  4. Chronic hypertension
  5. Renal disease
You should see a doctor if you have any or some of these symptoms:
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Vision of black 
  • spotsIntolerance to light
  • DrowsinessPersistent 
  • nauseaDecreased 
  • fetal activity
  • Blood pressure equal to or greater than 140/90 mm Hg

Methods For Relieving Pain In Labour Without Medicine

Almost all women experience pain during childbirth, but as every woman is different,answer to this pain manifests it self in different ways. Forms most frequent of pain relief during labor

Methods for relieving pain in labour without medicine

Methods that do not use products is usually pharmacological are some effective natural methods but others whose effectiveness has not yet been established by any study. They should go through a process of review and medical analysis.

Relieving Pain In Labour

  • Body for expansion, labour and birth positions:
Women should be offered the possibility of adopting the stance she preferred, which means that it does not have to be necessarily lying in bed and that you can stand, sit or walk, especially in the phase of expansion.

Position will assume for the birth will depend on each woman and the doctor that treats it. Several studies suggest that a vertical or lateral position during the second stage of labour offers many advantages over the dorsal position,including less pain.
  • Pain relief taking a shower or a bath, is effective in many women.
  • Breathing techniques, relaxation, away from the attention of pain. Often used incombination with others such as hypnosis, music, etc.
  • Relief of the pain of childbirth through lumbar massage:
During labor, many women feel better if they are touched, caressed or massaged,since as a source of contra estimulacion, touch and massage can relieve pain.

The massage consists of applying pressure, using the fist, the heel of the hand, or two hands, with firm, circular movements in the lower back during contractions to relaxmuscles.

  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. (TENS):
Method by which is that they activate peripheral sensory receptors, but their effectiveness has not been demonstrated in work serious scientists.
  • Other techniques: use of heat and cold surface, acupuncture, immersion in water,use of herbs and aromatherapy fragrances, etc.

Pharmacological methods of pain relief

The pharmacological pain relief has been gaining many followers especially in the artos attended by doctors. Its effect ara mothers pain relief has been investigated inseveral clinical studies and well documented its effectiveness but may be accompanied by side effects to the baby
  • Dr*gs: the opiate alkaloids such as m*rphine, derivatives of phenothiazine (promethazine), and other pain relievers.

Inhalation of anesthetic agents is used in some countries (the most common is with50% oxygen-nitrous oxide).
  • Epidural analgesia: is the most used during childbirth. Provides a better and longer lasting control of pain, but it is necessary that childbirth is treated at a well-equipped hospital, the anesthesiologist must be constantly available and the woman must have continuous monitoring.

Exercise During Pregnancy Reduces C-Sections

Exercise during pregnancy, there are two types of mother: ones, they prefer to relax and unwind during pregnancy without doing any kind of physical activity, while others opt for the option of performing an exercise routine to obtain multiple benefits offering physical activity during pregnancy.

Does exercise reduce Caesareans?

Specialists have found, if a pregnant woman do Exercise during pregnancy, among the multiple benefits, prenatal exercise reduces the risk of the mother must undergo a cesarean section.

Why is it good to do exercise?
Exercise During Pregnancy
As well as reduce the chance of being forced to undergo a caesarean section to give birth, prenatal exercise offers other benefits for the mother. Among them, is the reduction of the symptoms of pregnancy, such as constipation, acidity, etc. In addition, physical activity during pregnancy prepares the muscles involved in childbirth, so the mother can have a process of childbirth much easier than a person who has not made prenatal exercise.

Specialists have determined that the mothers who exercise during pregnancy sufferless stress, anxiety and pain in general.

It is important to highlight that prenatal exercise should be of low impact and should not last long. If a mother carries out a routine of 30 minutes a day, will ensure that itis working very well for your body during pregnancy.

Remember that gaining weight during pregnancy is inevitable and completely normal. However, to not gain weight excessively, it is best incorporate an exercise routine into your day to day to control weight gain and have a much more healthy pregnancy

What exercises do?

Not all exercises are good for pregnancy, since some are high impact or put them other at risk for falls or blows. For this reason, specialists recommend mother to choose from the following activities:

• Swimming
• Prenatal yoga
• Pilates
• Walking

Do take classes?

If you are prenatal exerciser, it must do so with a trainer specializing in pregnan twomen. Only in this way will ensure to be in good hands and that the exercise be carried out is suitable for women in State. In addition, a well educated person in this field will give you all the necessary information about breathing, how to use it and how to relieve the pain of childbirth through breathing. That will help you a lot for the third trimester of pregnancy and the time of delivery

When to call the doctor?

Before performing any type of exercise during pregnancy, consult your doctor so that it adopted the physical activity. This is very important, since many mothers cannot be prenatal exercise because they present a high risk pregnancy.

In addition, it must be very attentive to all his signs. If you suffer from pain or bleeding in pregnancy, during or after exercise, stop taking them and consult your doctor immediately. Bleeding and pain during pregnancy are a sign of preterm laboror spontaneous abortion.

Activities and Foods Should To Avoid During Pregnancy

Activities and Foods Should To Avoid During Pregnancy, it is very important that the mother is very attentive to all products and food consumed, as well as activities. For this reason, we offer a list of things that should be avoided during pregnancy to eliminate or reduce the risks of any complication.

Can medications be taken during pregnancy?

Generally, mothers are often described as harmless medications consumed most often, However, all these medications can put at risk the health of the baby and they should be avoided during pregnancy.

It is therefore of utmost importance that mother to refrain from consuming any type of medication during pregnancy without prior authorization from the physician, since they can be harmful to the baby.

Activities and Foods Should To Avoid During Pregnancy

What foods should you avoid?

• Sushi
• Fish sword, shark and mackerel, since these tend to contain high levels of mercury that may seriously affect the baby's health
• Unpasteurized products
• Caffeine
• Foods that are not thoroughly cooked
• Alc*h*lic beverages may not be consumed in pregnancy, since they can cause the baby a myriad of health problems, including Fetal Alc*h*l Syndrome
• Soft cheeses

What exercises should not be done in pregnancy?

While physical activity can be very beneficial for the health of mother and baby during pregnancy, it is very important that the mother to refrain from performing the exercises presented below, since they can endanger the well-being of the baby.

• Any sporting activity of high impact
• Any exercise that mother should be leaning on your back

It is important for the mother to check with your doctor before starting any physical activity. In addition, you should stop exercising if you experience severe headache,pain in the chest, vaginal bleeding, back pain, loss of amniotic fluid, uterinecontractions or reduction of fetal movements.

Can I have s*x during pregnancy?
The couple can have s*x if the doctor has not indicated otherwise.
However, call your doctor immediately if you experience pain, bleeding or loss of amniotic fluid.

Is it convenient to be in contact with animals in pregnancy?

If the mother has a bird or a cat in your environment, you should avoid to clean the sand box or cage with daily waste, could contract diseases and harm health and the baby's development.

What about overheating?

Any activity that puts the body temperature more than 38.5 degrees should be avoided. For this reason, saunas, hot tubs and high-impact physical activities should be avoided in pregnancy, because that can put in danger the health of the baby and causing birth defects.

Experts say that the mother should not stay more than 10 minutes in warm water, as well as avoid hot tubs, hot baths and exercise when there are high temperatures in the environment.

What's with the bad habits?

The mother should refrain to have any harmful habits during pregnancy.
This includes any type of dr*gs, c*gar*ttes, or alc*h*l consumption, since any dose of these products can affect serious and irreversibly the health of the baby.

If the mother has one of these habits, you should consult your doctor
immediately so that you receive the necessary aid and the baby is not impaired.

Which products can be harmful?

• Do not mix ammonia with chlorine, since gas which emits this mixture can be deadly
• Avoid exposure to lead
• Avoid exposure to the gases emitted by paint removers
• In case of need painting, done in an open and airy space
• Avoid exposure to insecticides or herbicides
• If you can avoid doing so, make sure color with dyes without ammonia, in an open space, and that the product is not in contact with the scalp. If you want a natural dye,henna can be an excellent choice for dyeing hair during pregnancy